As we shared a couple of weeks ago in our family meeting, we are embarking on a campaign to raise funds to do some much needed renovation and repair work around our campus.
Our goal is $150,000. The work includes items like, redesign of the stage, renovate the upstairs bathrooms, update cabinetry in fellowship hall and more. All of this will be because of you. As we have stated before, we firmly believe everything we need is in the house!
Prayerfully consider what level of gift you are able to make over and above your regular tithe and offering. You have from October 8th to April 8, 2024 to fulfill the pledge. All we need to know now is what we can count on you for. I look forward to us seeing everything accomplished. The impact to our community will be great as we will be better able to serve them and you!
Bishop Terry L. Hill, Jr.
Senior Pastor, The Citadel Church
You are cordially invited to any and all of our weekly services, it is our sincerest honor to have you in service with us. So believe me when I say, we look forward to seeing you in service with us.